Akin thought he was losing his mind. This was the second time this week that he would be losing an item he had bought. First it was the small-sized burger bread that he picked up from the store at the petrol station. It was supposed to go with the agonyi beans he had stored in a white bowl in his freezer compartment.

‘What exactly is going on here?’ he asked himself.

He hated unaccompanied beans, yet he had nothing else to go with it. His bunch of plantains was finished and it was too late to order anything online. He thought of boiling some white rice to go but he dry-heaved when he remembered that he threw up that combo during his last bout with malaria.

Once upon a time, garri would have sat well with the agonyi beans, but not anymore. He couldn’t believe how low the staple had fallen in his hierarchy of preferences. He had simply outgrown it. He still relished it as eba with a few soups but taken like a cereal or sprinkled dry onto beans, was a no-no.

So he took a mug and made himself tea. What was a bread-less bachelor with an empty pantry to do?

Now he could not find the pack of plantain chips he bought on his way. He had planned to settle down in front of his tv to catch up on a movie he recorded while crunching his chips. This was puzzling.

He lived alone in this studio apartment. To the best of his knowledge, no one had gained unauthorised entry into his place as he had not registered anything else missing. Until he began to wonder where the pack of chewing gum he bought vanished to.

He wasn’t planning to tell his mum because she was a fervent conveyor of WhatsApp conspiracy theories and he knew where she would take the conversation, but found himself blurting out this inexplicable phenomena on his next visit to her. She had immediately called her church group and arranged for prayers in his house after service the next day.

As he discussed with his colleagues during the following week, they advised him to put up a CCTV system. He decided to take their advice.

A day after installation, Akin couldn’t believe his eyes when he replayed the CCTV recording after yet another disappearance, this time of the kilishi he kept on his kitchen counter.

He promptly downloaded the recording and sent to his mum.

He had unwittingly been housing a fellow occupant in the apartment. In the recording, it could be seen climbing up to his kitchen sink, pressing the tap button and drinking water directly from the running tap!

Written by -Yetunde Adepeju Abatan

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