Ella sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her laptop screen for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Another rejection email blinked back at her. Two years since graduation, and she still couldn’t find a stable job. Despite her IT degree, the job market seemed relentless. No matter how many resumes she sent out, the outcome was always the same—silence or a polite decline.

Her dad, Mr.Adam, a quiet man who had raised her and her younger brother, David, after their mother’s passing, noticed the frustration etched on her face. David, now 14, idolized Ella, often proclaiming she’d make it big someday. But tonight, Ella couldn’t bring herself to believe it.

After dinner, her father suggested they sit outside for a bit. The two of them settled on the back porch, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the small, overgrown garden. Ella absently twisted her fingers in her lap, her heart heavy.

“You’ve been working hard, Ella,” her dad began, his voice soft. “But maybe you need to take a step back, let things happen in their own time.”

Ella clenched her hands tighter. “I don’t know what else to do, Dad. I’ve tried everything. It’s like the world’s against me.”

Her dad gave a gentle smile, his eyes holding the wisdom of years of quiet struggles. “The world isn’t against you. Sometimes life just needs you to be patient. You’ve always been diligent, kind, and focused. That counts for something. More than you know.”

She swallowed hard, feeling a lump rise in her throat. “I just… I don’t want to keep failing.”

“Failing’s not falling down, kiddo,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “It’s staying down. You’re not the type to stay down.”

Ella blinked back tears, nodding at his words. She’d been so wrapped up in the relentless pursuit of her goal that she’d forgotten the values her father had always taught her—patience, resilience, and trust in herself. Maybe the key wasn’t finding the perfect job right away. Maybe it was being ready for it when it came.

A week passed after that heartfelt conversation, and Ella kept pushing forward. One morning, she received an email from a tech startup. They had seen her resume on a job site and were impressed with her portfolio. An interview was scheduled. The role was for a junior IT specialist, a position she had hoped for.

The interview went well, but Ella tried not to get her hopes up. She had been through this before. But this time, things were different. A few days later, she got a call offering her the job. Not only was the salary better than anything she had anticipated, but the company was offering also had room for growth, valuing hard work and dedication.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ella couldn’t wait to share the news with her dad. When she did, he gave her a proud smile and said, “I knew you could do it. Your persistence paid off.”

Ella realized that it wasn’t just her qualifications that had landed her the job. It was her dedication, her willingness to keep going when things got hard, and the values her father had taught her. Now, with her first real job secured, she knew she could face anything life threw her way.

As she celebrated the moment with her family, Ella couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning. The doors that had seemed closed before were now open, all because she had remained true to herself and her beliefs.

Later that night, after the celebration had died down, Ella sat quietly on her bed, staring at the job offer email. Something nagged at her, a thought she had pushed aside amidst the excitement. She hesitated, then clicked on the company’s website once more, scrolling through its pages.

And there it was, buried in the fine print: Acquired by Blues Enterprise, effective in two months.

Her heart skipped a beat. Blue Enterprise was the very company she had once interned for—the same one that had rejected her. Ella let out a shaky laugh. Life had a funny way of coming full circle, and she realized this new chapter wasn’t just about opportunity. It was a second chance.

But this time, she was ready for it.

Written by – Ajadi Ayomide

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